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P.J. Pugowitz in Escape from Castle Puggenstein by baochan120

The interactive emulator on this page works best on desktop with html autoplay enabled.

Arrow keys or IJKL to move, A to strafe, S to fire, D to change weapon, F to begin game or pause. (A,S,D,F = B,A,Select,Start)

NES dungeon crawler where you escape a haunted castle. Also you're a pug. With a gun. Work in progress. Currently generates a simple random 4x4 map you can (slowly) explore, with a congratulatory message if you make it to the exit on the east wall. No collision detection yet, so honor system applies. Pausing will display a crude map, but won't show you what room you're in.

Coded entirely in assembly using vim, NESASM, and yy-chr.

Download the ROM! Thanks to JSNES for the embeddable JavaScript emulator!